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Students don't just face pressure; they carry burdens.

Students don't just face pressure; they carry burdens.

There was an era when marks determined one's future, but now skills pave the way forward. However, only a few embrace this new reality. Students aren't merely under pressure; they carry burdens—responsibilities, the pursuit of success, and the chase for lucrative opportunities. Those who manage to shoulder these burdens find themselves surrounded by social obligations.

In our quest to integrate into this materialistic world, we propel ourselves into a cloud of relentless hard work. Yet, at life's end, we may find ourselves adorned with countless possessions but lacking the essence to truly enjoy them. Since childhood, institutions have instilled a mindset: "If you don't study, you won't achieve anything."

However, in this context, studying doesn't necessarily equate to learning. If children were encouraged to focus on genuine learning rather than participating in the rat race, they would lead more fulfilling lives.

Today's students hear but don't truly listen, which is why they may earn but fail to gain. Many have forsaken their passions, lured by the promise of lucrative packages. However, this allure can blind us—not only to our physical selves but also to our souls. A hefty paycheck may paint a rosy picture, but it doesn't guarantee genuine happiness. It may elicit a smile, but not the hearty laughter that emanates from deep within.

Students are often pushed toward paths where success seems imminent rather than toward paths where success is genuinely satisfying. This is why studies have become burdensome, with the weight of books sometimes feeling heavier than the students themselves. And the allure of material success often proves weightier still.


Anjali korde

13-Jun-2024 01:45 PM

V nice



12-Jun-2024 08:25 PM

